Why do I need my panels cleaned?
It is important to keep your solar panels clean. Over time they may have dust, dirt, grime and other substances build up which can reduce the sunlight the panels can absorb causing a decrease in electrical output.
How do we clean?
We us deionized water in combination with specially designed solar panel brushes to agitate dirt and soil from your solar panels. Leaving them looking like the day you first got them!
How often should I have my panels Cleaned?
We recommend having your panels cleaned every three months to help maintain heathy panels. The minimum we would recommend is at least twice a year.
Why do I need my panels bird proofed?
Left unguarded, solar panels have been seen as prime nesting opportunities for birds and other pest as they provide covered protection from the elements. Birds can be messy when creating a home under your panels making nest and using your roof as their private toilets. A sight many do not want to see on their homes.
How do we bird proof?
First we clean under the solar panels to get rid of any waste left by and inhabitants. After cleaning, we use PVC coated Galvanized steel mesh to block out pests from getting under your solar panels. Securing the mesh to the panels are J-Hooks. These hooks do not effect your warranty in any way.
Can I bundle bird proofing with my next wash?
Yes! We recommend getting new cover with your next cleaning ensuring maximum protection from any unwanted visitors!